Wild East news staff
“More than just a Festival, it’s a way of Life,” says Boston Paul, LUVstock’s (and the Taichung Refuge Community’s) founder. “In a world full of haggard politics we should all be thankful for another day that we are all still alive and reasonably well. Money may make the world go around… but imagine if it was Love. And this is what this Fest is all about.”
The Festival began with an impromptu birthday party seven years ago (Boston Paul’s) to become what is now LUVstock — and promises to be one of the highlights of this summer.

“This year we will have a great line-up of some the best musicians, DJs and spectacular artists from around the island,” he added.
The ADDRESS: 台中市北屯區東山路二段151之2號
(Taichung City, Bi tun Area, Dong Shan Paradise, Section 2
If you are interested in being part of LUVstock as a Band, Musician, Artist, Vendor, or Sponsor, or want to be a Crew Member, VoLUVteer, or Planner, LUVmeetings are every Tuesday at The Refuge in Taichung… and every other Wednesday.
Inquiries send to LUVstock@live.com
1. 什麼是LUVstock?
LUVstock 是生命的喝采
「即使在一個煩亂的政治世界裡, 我們應該感謝每一天生命的延續與真理」, 對於我們的使命,
生活安穩的人更應分享 生命的正面能量.
有人說錢使世界運轉, 但不是每個人都能進入那個所謂的錢世界, 而事實上超過一半世界的人們無法辦到. 有些人賺很多錢並不貢獻, 有人貪圖財富, 偷錢, 謀殺, 甚至有人說他們愛的是金錢; 我們說只有愛才能使世界運轉! 愛無法用錢取得, 也無法偷去, 更不能把愛抹殺儘管有人為愛而死.
只有分享越多我們的愛, 更多的愛就會在我們生活中.
因為我們愛你! 這就是為什麼參加LUVstock不用錢, 人們一起懷著愛來LUVstock 捐贈所能, 這是一個共同社會的聚會, 所以LUVstock 必須支出基本的場地, 音響設備跟種種經費等…
LUVstock與大家茁壯成長, 每一年也積極的改變, 保證今年會是一個最明亮的夏季!!大家坐在草地上吃喝玩音樂互相認識甚至舉辦婚禮, 2009年近千人來自台灣及海外各地享受現代音樂與藝術,並了解認識與大自然共處的社區意識 .
舉辦位置: 台中市/北屯區/東山路二段151之2號 /東山樂園
在這個台灣島嶼上, 你永遠不會知道下一秒會如何發生在這個聚會
今年 2010我們將有源源不絕的作曲家 演奏家 DJs, 及震驚視覺的多位藝術家從台灣各地前來演奏(見下).
東山樂園已經是一個被遺棄的 遊樂園, 如今仍有完好的茶室/熱水/旅館等設備. 當我們勘查場地, 跟對方說起我們的計畫時, 他們真的很高興這美麗的樂園將再度被使用. 真的很感謝社區又將愛聯結在一起!
去年超過700人參加, 今年期望千人朝聖. 來當我們愛的一份子!!
See also: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=589105894#!/video/video.php?v=1282952964437&ref=mf
Greetings Fellow LUVVERS!
(Please check back every day for UPDATES – CHINESE coming soon!)
3. LUVstock NEEDS
5. FAQs
LUVstock is a Celebration of Life.
In a world full of haggard politics we should all be thankful for another day that we are all still alive and reasonably well. For those of us who are well, our Mission should be to share that Wellness.
They say that Money makes the world go around, but not everyone can access that Money… in fact over half the world can’t!
We say that Love makes the World around! You can’t buy Love. You can’t steal Love. You can’t kill Love though some have died for Love. The more Love we share, the more Love goes around. That is why LUVstock does not sell tickets. It is a Community Gathering, and while LUVstock does have to pay for its Basic Needs such as renting the Venue, the Sound Company and a variety of Expenses, the LUVVERS that come to LUVstock donate what they can and bring it all together. ..We LUV y’all!
LUVstock is a Community Experiment. It is growing.
LUVstock has grown and gone through many positive changes over the years and promises to be one of the Highlights of your Summer.
Like last year and the years before, LUVstock has traditionally attracted hundreds of Musicians, Artists and Bohemians from around Taiwan; gathering to Celebrate Life, enjoy the company of like-minded people, make music, spread Awareness, make new connections, make acquaintances, lounge around on the grass; eat, drink & be Merry.
We say this every year… but this year is going to be BETTER.
~You never know what will happen at this Gathering… and something always does!
This year we have a great line up of some the best Musicians, DJs & Spectacular Artists from around the Island (see below).
See you July 9 and 10th!
If you are a Sponsor, Artist, Designer, Vendor or just want to be part somehow, get in touch with us ASAP! LUVstock@Live.Com
If you and/or anyone you know are interested in the following get in touch by this weekend: E-mail: LUVstock@Live.com
*SPONSORS: gets your name on our T-shirts & Flyers: LUV the Art and Music Community! Your Sponsorship may help pay for our T-shirts, Prizes for contests or help reduce our Costs. We will make sure everyone knows it was you that LUVVINGLY Donated!
*VENDORS: LUVstock@live.com We will send you Vending Information ASAP.
*voLUVteers: A lot of work goes into putting on a Festival, come get Experience, have some Fun, make new Friends and we’ll be sure to give you a Wonderful Reference!
*CREW: We need responsible, driven Sentient Earthlings to help us over-see the Event to insure safety and things get done so that we all feel the LUV.
*BAND/MUSICIAN If you have not confirmed or sent us required information Please do so now!
Send the following information to LUVstock@live.com BAND INFO in subject line:
**BANDS/MUSICIANS: PLEASE CONFIRM WITH US (some of you again…apologies) by sending us an Email LUVstock@Live.Com and putting in the subject line BAND.
1. Your Band Name and Cell Phone/Contact number/Band Representative
2. Your Band Bio
3. Pictures of your band at a performance
4. Three MP3s/Demo
5. Summary of shows you have played in the past
6. Music Genre
7. How many People in your band
8. What Day would you prefer to play on (Fri Night, Saturday or Sunday)?
9. Stage Requirements (How many Microphones etc).
We have THREE STAGES this year!
(We still have more Bands to add and more coming! We will put them up soon!)
Bands that have expressed interest (This is not the schedule):
1. Native Space
2. Pauline A. Edwards
3. Reigndear
4. Downtime
5. Zion Express
6. Nude On The Radio
7. The Flintstones
8. Fao [陶然]
9. MetAsia
10. Dolly Dagger
11. Avery Day & The Night Roaches
12. 內分泌失調 (Endocrine disorders)
13. R.E.C.
14. Mr. FunShine
15. High Tide
16. Wailin’ Soul
17. The Reider Band
18. 3-Day Bender
19. Kevin MacCash
20. 沉默之音 (Chen Mo) w/ Mike Mudd
21. The EZL & Beyond
22. San Jiao Mao
23. Reniculous Lipz
24. Point .22
25. Mixter-T (DJ)
26. DeRedo (DJ)
27. Young David
28. Summer Cup
29. Arman Torus
30. TBA
31. TBA
32. TBA
33. TBA
1. Mixter-T
2. Cyborg George
3. TBA
4. TBA
5. TBA
…and more! Will post more bands soon as we go through their bits.
*ARTISTS (confirm now)
1. Steve Bara
2. Brent Nadin
3. Laura Andrew
4. Isaac Yo
There are many nice activities the Community is brewing up for y’all!
1. YOGA: We will have a Yoga Area where one can chill out, practice Yoga with an instructor or just hang out with like-minded Earthlings.
2. MARTIAL ARTS: There are a few that would like to give a few demonstration and a Tai-chi workshoppe in the works… will have details soon!
3. PERMACULTURE: Find out how we can get along with the world. Learn how to grow your own food.
4. Best Dressed Hippies! Our LUVscouts will be on the prowl looking!
(We are sifting through the Emails now, if you’re interested in doing a WorkShoppe, please get in touch with us ASAP! LUVstock@live.com)
JUST IN! Coming from the South? They are arranging a LUVbus to LUVstock! DETAILS HERE:
There are also rumors that the TV show Fun-Taiwan with Janet may make an appearance! We’ll keep you posted, but if you drop them a line and enough people are interested, perhaps it will become a reality!
3. LUVstock NEEDS
*Sign Makers
*Ideas People for the various activities we have going on –
*LUVstock poster Designs
*Bilingual People for Translation
*PR People
*Film Makers –
If you are interested in doing any of the above… drop us a line!
DongShan Paradise is an Old Amusement Park that functions now as a tea house & hotel. There are also Hot-tubs on the premises! When we investigated this Venue two years ago and told them what we want to do, they were happy that this Beautiful Land will be used again… we have since moved The Refuge Community Gathering Center to this Venue!
NOTE: It is NOT an abandoned park. Please respect the venue. There is a variety of Plant & Animal Wild-Life here. The Old Rides are not used for a reason – they are not safe. Please refrain from riding them as they are Dangerous! They are great for pictures though!
LUVstock had over a thousand come and feel the LUV last year… this year we expect myriads more!
The Refuge is very Happy to be located at DongShan Paradise, we think you will be too!
Q1. Hello! How do we buy tickets for LUVstock?
A1. LUVstock does not sell tickets. The Community pulls together its Resources and Love and makes it happen. LUVdonations are given at the Entrance. We expect a minimum donation of 200NT per person for 2 days, over 30 bands, many DJs and other surprises.
This 200NT Support Donation helps us pay the bills (water, electricity, the Sound Man, ETC. Putting on a Festival of this caliber costs hundreds of thousands of NT and we start with absolutely nothing.
If you are able to give a bit more, we have prizes and T-shirts to be given away. Details will be at The Welcoming Wagon (i.e. The LUVstock Entrance).
Q2. Can we bring pets?
A2. Indeed! You might want to keep your anaconda at home though. Dogs are to be on leashes, and pooper scooper ready. We will have crew fastening dogs to leashes if we see them running about without their owners. Owners must be responsible for their Animals. A Dog Tag on a collar is also highly recommended.
Q3. What kind of Food will there be at LUVstock? Will there be Vegetarian?
A3. Everything! It is a Request from the LUVcrew that Vendors include Vegetarian Items to their Menu.
Q4. Can we bring our own food and drink?
A4. No. Food and Drink Sales are what help support LUVstock and LUVstock Vendors. Food & Drinks are cheap. No other Festival on the Island has attempted to do what those who put LUVstock on do. Please support by leaving your food and drinks outside of the Gathering. There will be a BAG CHECK looking for Food and Drinks (and this only), so please avoid an awkward situation and leave them out! Thank you!
Q5. We plan on partying the whole weekend! Is there camping?
A5. Yes! There is camping! There is a small fee of 300NT per person and camping space is limited so reserve your spot ASAP! (LUVstock@live.com SUBJECT: CAMPING
Q6. We are coming from out of town. Are there hotels in the area?
A6. LUVstock is located at DongShan Paradise and it has a very nice hotel. We are working out a deal with the Venue now to try to get better rates on the rooms. We will have rates up soon! You can start reserving now though as rooms are limited! LUVstock@live.com SUBJECT: HOTEL
The LUVstock Gathering 2011 will be held at the Same Venue (BUT different location inside the Venue) as LUVstock 2009 & LUVstock 2010 @ Dong Shan Paradise:
台中市/北屯區/東山路二段151之2號 /東山樂園
Taichung City/Beitun District/151 DongShan Road Section 2/Dong Shan Le Yuan
Take a picture of this address and give it to your Taxi driver!
From Boston Paul:
A friend posted this thoughtful piece the other day… thought I would share it!
LUVstock = LOVE;)
LUVstock impacts and impresses on life and you can see the truth of that in the lives of any number of people who have passed through here and whom LUVstock motivated. LUVstock has a lasting impact on conditions, without and within. It is somewhat overwhelmed in these times, or appears to be but… appearances are deceiving. LUVstock can be very surreptitious and unpredictably insistent. Everything that goes counter to LUVstock , makes itself vulnerable to the power of LUVstock by its actions.
LUVstock is an investment bank and for those whom LUVstock motivates and inspires, the investment grows. It can take considerable time for LUVstock to materialize, because LUVstock has to set the stage and also test the carrier. It has to modify and shape the carrier because LUVstock doesn’t accept bad representatives. LUVstock has to reduce or eliminate self interest and a host of qualities that diminish and compromise it.
LUVstock is the greatest power on Earth. There is no greater. It holds and motivates the planets in their courses so that the will of LUVstock can be fulfilled. LUVstock speaks to us in music and when it is not speaking to us in music, the times are dark, as they are now. LUVstock is the dawn that rises upon the darkness and LUVstock is rising. As I said, LUVstock is conscious and knows of its own existence. It has an agenda and it weaves every other agenda together to demonstrate itself. LUVstock is the essential heroism, because it does not think of itself and since it cannot die, it is fearless. I could mention that fear smells to animals like anger. There are many interesting relationships and coincidences in life. We should be more watchful and inquiring.
When you inquire of LUVstock, LUVstock speaks to you at your level through experience and often through the words of others. LUVstock can appear in people and be the voice of the divine and you look a moment later and it’s just what’s… his name again. I’ve had this happen and I am sure some of you have as well. LUVstock is the key to a magical land that exists, within the dimensions of this one, but is unseen without the eyes of LUVstock. LUVstock grows with application. It grows and grows and grows and it consumes, turning the bearer into itself. We should know these things and we do but there is a disconnect, a cognitive dissonance that intrudes between LUVstock and ourselves. Open your eyes. Well, the eyes open automatically as the heart does. LUVstock knocks on the door of the heart all day long and presents situations in life for LUVstock to respond and grow into. This all goes on in the magic land of LUVstock when we inhabit it. Otherwise we live in a world of fear and confusion. LUVstock will make you suffer from its absence so that you will seek it.
Luv Stock takes everything we have and anyone not willing to make this sacrifice will not get LUVstock. They will get a simulation, which reflects their level of self interest. LUVstock takes everything, because LUVstock is the liberating power and you cannot be half free or somewhat free. That is the measurement by which you are bound by the things that deny the LUVstock expression in you.
When LUVstock takes possession of you, or has worn you down to where you cannot resist, LUVstock shines from your countenance and it veils itself too, because LUVstock is a master of disguise as it goes about in its work. It has to be be…cause there are many who would kill LUVstock, though LUVstock cannot die. Those who imagine they have killed LUVstock, have done no more than to water the Earth with their retribution. That is why the highest act of LUVstock is sacrifice. It sacrifices itself over and over again on in the hopes that you will realize its presence and power. LUVstock is always looking for a ride but we’ve got our car filled with other passengers. LUVstock rides shotgun.
All these things should be evident, plain as day, but they are not. Take a walk through the world and observe the absence of LUVstock. LUVstock is around but it is concealed from the sight of those who will not allow it to possess them because of fear. Ironically, the only time you need to fear is when LUVstock isn’t present. Next time you run into LUVstock- and you will, invite LOVE along and see what happens.
I LUVstock what you do, Bro:)
Sean Kaiteri