Stage Time and Wine @ The Red Room is a space where every month artists, writers, poets may gather and read aloud, sing, hear the words and music of others, and of all things, listen. You can bring something you have written or choose a passage from somewhere else that you are moved to read aloud.
LOCATION: 2F., No. 117, Sec. 1, Da’an Rd., Taipei City 106 Tel: (02) 27714195
WHEN: Saturday, May 21, 2011, 6:30-10:30pm
There are sign-up sheets at the door for those who would like to read, and you may sign up at any time during the night. Please bring a bottle to contribute to the bar, which will be created as you arrive, and all drinks will be shared.
With the movement continuing, we would love to keep up our “paper cup free” Red Room nights, either purchase a red room mug on the night of the event, or please carry a drinking vessel on board for the evening, be it mug, fish bowl, thimble or hollow gourd. Our designers will be present to customize your bamboo cups (NT$150) if you so desire.
Each person will be introduced to read once. if you have more to share, everyone who is willing shall have their turn, and if there is time, you will be given stage time once again.
And musicians! Please come, one and all, prepared to play! If there are those of you who would like to prepare something special, please email organizers (contact through STAGE TIME AND WINE on Facebook) and they can set your time for the night.
“We are creating a community, a world, a space, a bar, a stew….Celebrate the spoken word with us as we read our own passages or those that we yearn to share. Speak. Listen. Hear. Feel. Come and share a unique experience with new and old friends. Live music and warm company. All languages desired!”
COVER: $200
說、聽、聆 聽、感受,與老朋友新朋友們,
現 場音樂演出,氛圍溫馨
北市大安路一段 117號2F
費 用:NT$200
Here’s audio/video of some of the performances at Red Room last weekend:
Superb audio by Glen Clifford.
Mini guitar….Where’s my pignose?
Better than church. I particularly enjoyed Jasmine Li’s dance, the poems about love (Genevieve), rain in Afrikaans (Wayne), the Howl-inspired one, the song on the mini-guitar…and got to see Hack’s latest artwork and talk to writer Catherine Diamond, see old friends again…