Dear patrons & supporters, friends & family, Bobwundaye is closing its doors.
It’s an emotional moment. To all those who stumbled across Bob’s in the dark in an out-of-the-way back alley and stumbled out again much later, we remain eternally grateful. We would never have made it this far without you. Many, many thanks to you all for turning an obscure little snuggery with a weird name way out in the sticks beyond Keelung Road into a one-of-a-kind establishment with a touchingly loyal following. You kept us afloat all these years.
Thanks also to the Bob’s family, which reaches far and wide, particularly our covey of lovely motherly girls that kept order, customers content and the place running against all the odds over the past seven years.
To celebrate all the good times past, we’ll be holding a Drink-us-Dry farewell party at the bar on Saturday 30th from 5pm till late. So, for those unlucky souls that never managed to locate the damn place, here’s your last chance to sample the special atmosphere of this uniquely cool little bar.
DRINK-US-DRY PARTY SPECIALS ~~ Free shot of Jameson’s for everyone that shows up.
ALL drinks priced between NT$80 and NT$130.
Potluck party food – Bring what you like to eat and eat what others bring.
Musicians – Bring instruments and jam!!
BUT …. this isn’t the end folks, it’s just a seven-year itch and a new beginning … Bob’s gets bigger.
Hold your horses for a couple of weeks and you can mosey on down to the new and much improved Bobwundaye, bigger, better and guaranteed easier-to-find than the old Bob’s but with its inimitable character and Taiwanese moniker intact.
The new Bobwundaye (aka “Big Bob’s”) will be opening mid-August. Details of the opening party will be forthcoming.
We look forward to your continued patronage & support.
Meanwhile, hope to see you all at the Drink us Dry party on the 30th.
Thanks & best wishes from all at the Bob’s family.
三個月以前, 沒想過”沒問題”會告別六張犁這個黑暗的小角落, 七年多前沒經驗再加上失心瘋, 我們瘋狂的決定在正常人找不到的小巷內開始這個沒人看好的小酒吧!
七年了, 我們一路跌跌撞撞, 有好朋友, 新朋友不論是加入或離開, 我們在這累積珍貴的回憶, 如果bob’s 是個小朋友, 現在它要從小學畢業了, 要準備在新學校開始教新朋友, 要繼續跟老朋友交陪一起成長!
感謝這些數不清曾在bob’s工作的兄弟姊妹們, 沒有你們, bob’s就不能順利畢業! 感謝這些不論住的多遠, 只要有機會, 就造訪支持我們的朋友們! (快哭了……)
七月三十日我們要暫時揮別, 各位可以趁機讓你的肝臟休息一下, 我們預計八月中, 會在不遠處重新入學, Big Bob’s 的新學校, 在和平東路三段77號, 介於安和路跟敦化南路間, 路過可以幫我買個飲料或監工!! 哈!
搬家前, 歡迎各位來幫忙把酒喝光, 所有飲料NT.80-130…
帶你的拿手好菜, 跟好朋友吃吃喝喝, 快樂畢業!!
Cheers, Bobwundaye
Bobwundaye ~
Address: 26 Chongde St, Lane 38, Taipei (台北市崇德街38巷26號)
[Near Liuchangli MRT]; tel: (02) 2377 1772