Folk hero Scott Cook returns for Taiwan tour

Scott Cook! Tonight at Bobwundaye's, Taipei, at Hoping/Tunghua Rd. intersection. Don't miss it! Photo:
Thanks to Ian Kuo’sIan Kuo’s blog: “SCOTT COOK @ BOBWUNDAYE”

Being a relative newcomer to the Taiwan music scene, I had no idea who Scott Cook was, other than what I had read online. I knew that he had played locally for several years, and that he later went back to Canada to embark on his solo career. So before the show started, I had relatively no idea what to expect.

David Chen gave a nice little introduction before the start of the set, and that added a little more information. Talented musician, went solo and started touring Canada and the U.S. Lives in his minivan as he drives about performing at different places. Overall, sounded like a pretty chill dude who apparently sings purdy darned good.

When Scott took to the stage, my initial reaction was, “OMG its Seth Rogen!” Of course, it wasn’t Rogen, but Cook bears a resemblance to the actor. And then he opened his mouth and started talking. Again I thought, “OMG it really is Seth Rogen.” He did kinda sound like him, if only with a lot less California frat boy in timbre.

He started off just playing by himself; a guitar and vocals, doesn’t get much simpler than that. The songs were all new to me, of course, but they were all quite pleasant and had a solidity that reflected the polish they had from numerous performances. He even played a few songs written by others that fit his overall style, and honestly if he hadn’t said anything I wouldn’t have noticed they weren’t his. In general, the songwriting was pretty witty, and the underlining theme and feeling was one of joviality and freedom through the experiences of life.

Later on the “band” took to the stage; David Chen on guitar, Conor Prunty on harmonica and Thom Squires on bass (thanks Scott for the info!). With more or less a full ensemble, Cook’s music took on even more life and the crowd loved it. Speaking of the audience, Scott’s rapport with them was excellent. I don’t know if it was due in part to familiarity or because of charisma, but the energy in the room was great on both sides of the performance.

Overall it was a great show that lasted through a couple of encores. Afterwards, Scott got off stage and got around to pitching his new album, which was on sale and available for autographing… It’s apparently available on his website and I highly encourage buying it. Aside from getting great music, it’s really important that we all support independent artists. Along with us lowly photographers, musicians have a lot of competition to turn a profit and every bit of help counts when one’s trying to make a living from the arts.

One thought on “Folk hero Scott Cook returns for Taiwan tour

  • March 12, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    Hi there friend,

    This particular Travelogue has a novel claim to fame, in that it’s the
    very first Travelogue not to include any travel. I’ve been parked for
    a month, and now that it’s coming to a close I suppose I can tell you
    all where I’ve been hiding. I’m in Fulong, a sleepy little beach town
    on the northeast coast, where I’ve rented a place above a Taiwanese
    gambling den (no word of a lie) for the month. It’s been raining
    nearly constantly, which has been good for my work ethic, but it has
    shown me a few splendid sunny days as well, including this beautiful
    sight: I’ve gotten
    caught up on plenty of things, emptied both my email inboxes, and even
    written three songs. But the time here’s been good for more than
    work; it’s been good for my soul. As I said last time, I haven’t had
    a break like this since I started this full-time rambling almost five
    years ago, and as it turns out, I needed it even more than I knew.

    Besides work, I’ve been filling my hours with exercise, yoga, bike
    rides, and eating healthy, mostly raw. I’ve haven’t had a drink in
    three weeks, which was a milestone and a learning experience in
    itself. It’s been a drastic change of pace from the road, slowing
    down, listening to and learning to inhabit my body rather than just
    driving it around like I do, paying attention to my breath, and
    watching as thoughts and emotions come up and drift by. Along with
    all that has come plenty of reflection on this life I’ve chosen, the
    enduring reasons for doing it, and the precedence of real human
    connections over work. I’m very grateful to have had this chance, and
    all it took was saying no, something I’ll hopefully learn to do more

    The real trick will be remembering all these lessons once I’m back on
    the road, which is fast approaching. If you’re a Facebuck friend of
    mine, you likely already know that I’ve got a very physical reminder
    of a new leaf having been turned… I am shorn, and reborn. If
    you’re still quaintly reading this from the comfort of your own email,
    here’s photo proof: After
    wearing the same hairstyle (if you can call it that) for twenty years,
    a change really does feel good. For those who fear I’m sliding
    perilously close to getting a real job, or joining the Conservative
    Party, rest assured, my haircut may be respectable, but if so it’s
    alone in that regard.

    I’ve got ten shows coming up around the island in the next three
    weeks, including visits to Taoyuan, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and the ol’
    stomping grounds in Jungli, and I’m excited about them all. I’ll
    happily direct you to for the
    details on those, or to
    if you’d rather stay in Faceburg than dirty your feet in my digital
    den. But while we’re all gathered around here, there are four in
    particular I’d like to talk more about.

    This coming Saturday, March 3rd, my old band The Anglers will be
    reuniting to rock out at Bobwundaye, alongside our good buddies in
    High Tide. I’m so looking forward to playing with these guys again.
    There will be smiles, and hugs, and dancing, probably followed by
    drunken folly. The Farcebook event’s here:

    Next Friday, March 9th, I’ll be playing another house concert in
    Taichung, in a bigger space this time, with a couple awesome musical
    guests who will remain unnamed for now, cause it’s a surprise! The
    last Taichung house concert, at Cat Brown’s place, was my favourite
    show of tour so far, and if you were there I think you’ll know what
    I’m talking about. People cried. It meant something.

    Music plays all sorts of different roles in our lives, and far be it
    from me to pick favourites. I like going to a party & carrying on &
    dancing to a band as much as anyone; in fact, maybe more than most
    short-haired folks do. But actually sitting down, listening to songs
    and letting yourself be moved by them isn’t what we go to bars for. A
    listening crowd is a rare thing among the folks I run with here, and
    I’m very grateful and humbled to have the opportunity to share songs
    in that kind of setting. Songs can do a lot for you if you hear the
    words all the way through. They can show you things. They can open
    your heart. If that kind of thing sounds like your speed, I hope
    you’ll join us on March 9th at Eric Ganassin’s house, which also
    happens to be a great place to go learn yoga, and the very same place
    I’ll be sweating out booze in downward dog two days later. The
    details are here:

    The next day, Saturday March 10th, will indeed be a party. It’s been
    almost two years since I last played the Dakeng Refuge, on a sunny
    afternoon in May, for a little fest Paul named Hobo Happiness. The
    Refuge now has new digs, which are amazing, in case you haven’t
    already seen ’em, and Paul’s been kind enough to host an even bigger
    bash this time. It’s called Hobo Happiness II; a celebration of the
    rambling life and a group hug of a day that will include sets from the
    Anglers, Three Day Bender, Andy Goode & Chris Bailey, Nick Fothergill,
    Pat Reid, Pauline Edwards, Carrion Crow, Nathan Javens, Kevin MacCash,
    Tyler Dakin & the Long Naked Bottles, and Taichung’s prodigal son Mike
    Mudd, as well as yummy food, drinks aplenty, good friends, games (oh
    yes, a party’s gotta have games), and as a bonus, no po-po to party-
    poop. Lordy, it’ll be great to see all you good folks. I’ve been
    working on a couple old hobo tunes for the occasion that I’m very
    excited to show you. Doors open at 2pm, music starts at 3pm, and I’m
    on at 5:15. And I should specify that when I tell you those times, I
    don’t mean Boston Paul time, I mean the time on your watch. I hope
    you can make it out early, but rest assured, we’ll be jamming til
    late, and when I say late, I mean Boston Paul time. All the info you
    need is at

    My last show on the island will be the following Saturday, March 17th,
    at Taipei Artist Village. This here Freemosan Farewell will feature
    another boatload of talent, some of whom may be entirely new to you,
    and some of whom may be all too familiar (you decide). Paul Lawrence,
    Mister Green, Neil Surkan, Arman Torus, Nathan Javens, Mike Mudd,
    Tyler Dakin & the Long Naked Bottles, and David Chen & Conor Prunty
    will all be playing short sets, and of course those ever-lovin’
    Anglers will close out the evening. Doors open at 3pm and I’m playing
    at 4pm sharp. It’ll all be done by 11 so we can go afterparty
    wherever’s suitable. The deets are on,
    and I must say, the poster (
    %20farewell%20poster%20web.jpg) tickles me somethin’ fierce.

    Shortly afterward, I’ll be packing my bags and boarding a plane for
    home, with a stop along the way in the Evil Empire, playing the Wanch
    in Hong Kong March 22nd. If you happen to know anyone there, please
    send ’em my way. My next big show will be March 28th at the
    Engineered Air Theatre in Calgary for the Transcanada Alberta Music
    Series, which is gonna be awesome, and my next hometown show’ll be
    Saturday April 7th at the Black Dog in Edmonton with Gabrielle
    Papillon and Corinna Rose. Plenty more dates are written on the wall
    of my humble internet abode over at,
    and you’re welcome to stop by any time.

    I hope you’re all living well, and finding what you need. Like Woody
    sez, take it easy, but take it. Big love,



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