Top 10 reasons to check out Chingchuan’s new Youth Cultural Center

By Fr. Barry Martinson / The Wild East The Taoshan Youth Cultural Center opened in Chingchuan, Hsinchu County. Here are the top 10 reasons to go check it out! 1. CHINGCHUAN ALREADY HAD AN ABANDONED BUILDING… The old Taushan credit union/coop building had been abandoned and unusable for over ten

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Behind the legend of the Little Black People Ritual

By Sean Kaiteri / Contributor, The Wild East The Story of the Legend of the Pas’ ta ay in my own words:) (editor’s note: The Basta/Pasta Ai/Ay, or “Ritual of the Little Black People” (矮靈祭) is performed by the Saisiyat tribe in northeast Taiwan) No one is really sure exactly

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Orchid Island’s rocky history: Part 4/4 and tourist info

Part One here; and Part 2; Part 3 Check out this link at Travel & Culture magazine to read AmCham’s abridged version of this article. By Trista di Genova, The Wild East Land rights are another ongoing issue for this and other tribes in Taiwan. Under the Chen administration, residents

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